Saturday, November 16, 2013

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

When I lived in Jerusalem I would sometimes run into tourists who were there for only a day or two. I was surprised to know that often, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was the only site they had planned to see in Jerusalem, and then their itinerary would have them off to other cities.

The site of the church lay outside the city wall at the time of Christ, and since very early Christianity, it has been worshiped as both the place of the crucifixion and the site of Christ's tomb. This is a cross section drawing of what may have been then, and what is now.

The style of worship is not what we are used to, but it is very stirring to visit this site, especially while the monks of the eastern church are singing. The beautiful sounds of their harmonies echo throughout.

There are candles to light, and teary-eyed Pilgrims line up to kiss a silver star which is designated to represent the Hill of Calvary.

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