Saturday, November 9, 2013

Damascus Gate

Located on the northwest, Damascus Gate is the main entrance into Old Jerusalem. As one would leave Jerusalem, the road leading from this gate headed towards Damascus, the capital of Syria.

Until 1887, the gates of Jerusalem were closed at sunset and opened again at sunrise. Of all the many times Jerusalem has been under attack, the most vulnerable position was the north. The turrets and arrow holes, and battlement towers are all well used.

The steps we see, leading down into the entrance are clearly a recent improvement. The photo (above) from 1856 shows a dirt covered, unimproved entrance.

The photo to the right dates to 1927. Now the entrance to Damascus Gate it is common to see men and women in traditional Arab costume selling locally grown fruits and vegetables. Local families come to purchase fresh food, or other wares for sale.

The most important aspect of Damascus Gate is seen from the photo below. This arched, Roman era gateway has been uncovered. It is likely that the lower gate is the one through which Christ carried the cross on his pathway to crucifixion on nearby Golgatha.

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